Saturday, September 24, 2005

What a disaster!!

Heyhozz everyone

How are all of you?well haha dun be misled by the title cos its not my disaster but something i just wanted to post that i saw from the Taiwanese news.Recently there was a serious and immoral act of abuse of authority that happened in Taiwan.Why is it so serious that i have got to write about it?It is because it led to a death..yes you didn't see me type wrongly..this led to a death.

The thing roughly began like this...the matter happened in a navy unit btw...a lieutenant at this unit purposely planned duties for a guy and him in a way that they both would not be free on the same day..this was done so that the lieutenant could go and ask the gf of the guy out on the pretext of maybe something concerning the guy in the unit.What happened was that this idiotic abuser of authority then proceeded to push the girl to her death!!!!!! if what he had done by asking her out while fixing her bf to duties wasn't bad enough..he had the temerity to KILL her...what the heck!!!And he did not even have the guts and morality to offer his last respects to her when her funeral was in session.My condolences to the family and the bf of the girl..there is nothing that can be done to punish the lieutenant enough because the girl is already dead..sighh things like this happen everywhere even in Singapore.

Is it me or are there more and more cases of crimes being reported despite Singapore's reputation of a draconian state?Things such as shoplifting,vandalism and even murder are increasing...ohhh i did not check the official records with SPF so i may be wrong but this ain't no newspaper article so i do not have to be too accurate.From what i feel a lot of these crimes are really caused by a high level of stress...true if one keeps a lot of control on someone,bad stuff can be prevented,but then when the threshold of control is breached..then no matter how much of control would not stop things from happening.Its like every small thing is being made a big matter of and handled very badly.Does banning and fining people stop certain things?Its like certain freedoms should be respected because freedom is what makes people do things in moderation ironically.This was somewhat said by a famous political activist from Taiwan,Li Ao(who is currently in China for a series of talks and visits)He quoted the small example of Denmark..hmm haha or was it Norway...i do remember it was a Scandinavian country.He said that the particular country had a very high rate of rapes in the past,but after the legalization of pornography,the percentage dipped at least 30%.Hahaha i do not only say this for pornography but for all things....but not stuff such as drugs lar..i am democratic up to a point where things that are beneficial for the state should be allowed.

Hmm up till now does my post sound seditious?I am definitely not trying to be so because I love Singapore and whatever i say,its all for the good of the nation...i sure do not want our country to become a nation of sycophants and individuals bereft of any individualism*shudders*

And yet i do not have the balls or guts to participate in political activism...if i were alone in this life with no family already i would definitely go for it because there is nothing to stop me..but after all it is my parents who have provided me with my education and i cannot do anything that is deemed encroaching on the OB markers else my parents' efforts would be in vain.Therefore haha the yellow weakling that i am shall continue to support democracy in my own way :) and that is to discuss stuff in my blog here while adhering to the OB markers as best as i can..i sure wouldn't want to be thrown into the slammer do i?

I just hope the less fortunate people in Singapore would have more avenues to get help from and the future would not look too bleak for Singaporeans..cos right now it seems quite bleak indeed considering the salaries for jobs being quite not in tandem with the economy.

I sure am ranting today ain't I?*makes a funny face* haha does Ivan Rantung rant?Haha sorry Mr Rantung...being silly now ain't I?haha i should be escorted to the hougang chalet liaoz a lot of you must think?

Hurricane Rita is now approaching Texas and Houston..let us all pray in our own ways that there would not be a lot of destruction and death this time...because no matter what we are all fellow humans and should care for one another.I was reading about a post in a forum that Bushy deserved Rita approaching Texas because of what he did in Iraq and it was divine justice from *slot in the name of your god*.No matter what he did,if anything were to happen it should only happen to him then...but then again i do not hope any deaths happen to anyone..not even to Bushy.

Shall stop being a madman now :) Do have a nice weekend everyone and take good care.



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