Thursday, November 08, 2007

Jay Chou coming!!!! but can't watch :(

Hiii everyone!!! how has the past few weeks been for you guys?? Whew this rubbish dude here has been very sleepy recently, i can even fall asleep at work siaa.. this is very bad. But luckily i don't seem to be getting sick!

The title is as such because Jay Chou is coming for a concert in January and the sad thing is I didn't manage to get any tix for the two shows!! the sistic website was like shit lorr...i could buy already and then the website dunno why dun let me buy. What i feel sick about is the fact that a lot of people buy the tix not to watch but to sell it at a much higher price.. that is really depriving other people of an equal opportunity to watch the concert :( yeahh sour grapes from me but i still feel its sicko lor... for me already like this liao, the other fans who are students how??

Well at least he has released a new album and I quite like a few songs already... i like the song 青花瓷 and here's the lyrics and song ...

作詞:方文山 作曲:周杰倫 編曲:鍾興民

素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡 瓶身描繪的牡丹一如妳初妝
冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然 宣紙上走筆至此擱一半

釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏 而妳嫣然的一笑如含苞待放
妳的美一縷飄散 去到我去不了的地方

#天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 炊煙裊裊昇起 隔江千萬里
 在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 就當我為遇見妳伏筆

*天青色等煙雨 而我在等妳 月色被打撈起 暈開了結局
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗 妳眼帶笑意

色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底 臨摹宋體落款時卻惦記著妳
妳隱藏在窯燒裡千年的秘密 極細膩猶如繡花針落地

簾外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 而我路過那江南小鎮惹了妳
在潑墨山水畫裡 妳從墨色深處被隱去

轉載來自 ※ 魔鏡歌詞網

So its Deepavali on Thursday.. which is right now, i hereby wish all Hindu friends a very happy deepavali :)

Gotta go back to work after helping my dad and then go meet Xin Ye,Sze , Edwin and also Da Ge lol :) Da Ge is feeling unwell sia, sure hope he gets well by dinner time.

I tried using Audacity to strip a mp3 of its audio and then i used Audacity to record my voice onto the music.. it works quite well!!

Loads of random stuff from me yeah??I think i am going to change my blogskin real soon.. i am using the current blogskin for quite a while already.. haven't really tried to find any recently... think i will go find something very nice... haha nice to me at least.

Shall write again soon :) hope you all like the Jay song...i like it for its chinese tune.



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